book meeting
TGE Accelerator


Last updated on October 31th 2024
Responsibility Disclaimer
Lunar operates under two legal entities which are: 
Lunar Strategy Lda, Head Office at Rua Braamcamp Freire, número 29, 1900-100 Lisbon share capital of € 5.000,00 (five thousand euros), with the commercial and tax number: 517768933.

Lunar Holding Lda, Head Office at Rua Nova de São Pedro, n.o 54, 2o Andar, Escritório “D”, 9000-048 Funchal, Madeira, share capital of € 1.000,00 (one thousand euros), with the commercial and tax number 516253999.

Lunar, works and renders services of design and consulting services of digital marketing to crypto-related projects and other legal or individual entities.

We follow the best practices of the industry to vet all our clients and to work with strong and reputable projects, however, we are not responsible for their actions or omissions and our interest with each of our clients is exclusively professional.

We are independent entities and in no way connected to any of our clients. For more information about our relationships and holdings please consult our transparency page which is updated regularly:

All information on the website, platforms and all the work we provide to our clients and all communities is provided in good faith. However, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the website or of the projects we work with.

Under no circumstance or event, shall Lunar have any liability for any loss or damage of any kind incurred because of the use of the website or from our work and services, or reliance on any information provided on the website, or to and from third parties.

The obligations of Lunar, consist solely of the furnishing of information and advice to the client in the form of services. In no event shall Lunar be required to represent or make management decisions of the Client. All decisions with respect to acts and omissions are the Client’s responsibility and shall under no circumstances be liable for any expense incurred or loss in consequence of such acts or omissions.

The participation of third parties in any way with any of the projects and clients we advise and work with, and your reliance on any information, is solely at your own risk. We advise all communities to do their own research in and for every crypto project you have any interest in.